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Call for symposia

Call for symposia proposals (download)

It is my great pleasure to invite you to submit symposia proposals for the coming ICCPB. Please, submit your proposals according to the following guidelines:

  1. Each member society of the International Association of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (IACPB) can propose up to 5 symposia.
  2. Non-member societies are also encouraged to submit proposals, and join the association. Individuals can also submit proposals directly to the ICCPB office.
  3. Allotted time for each symposium will be 2hr 30min.
  4. Multiple organizers from different countries are recommended, and please consider a broad international contribution to each symposia.
  5. Four to five invited speakers plus a couple of speakers selected from submitted abstracts are desirable.
  6. The speakers should include both established and young researchers.
  7. Format of a proposal:
    1. Title of the symposium
    2. Organizers (names, titles, affiliation, e-mail, phone, fax)
    3. Synopsis: within 300 words (objectives, contribution to the meeting, etc.).
    4. Tentative list of speakers (name, affiliation, e-mail) and tentative talk title/subject.

At this moment the list of invited speakers does not have to be complete, and definite confirmation from the speakers is not required.

  1. Pre-proposals with preliminary idea of a symposium subject and speakers are also welcomed.
  2. The above information should be e-mailed as an attached file (one page for a symposium, MSWord doc/rtf, or active pdf formats).
  3. Please e-mail the proposals to the address below.

Please, note that IACPB does not have any regular income: the participating societies do not provide financial contributions to IACPB. Therefore, IACPB does not, as a rule, offer fee waivers to session organizers. Instead, we hope that the individual symposia will be supported directly from their societies. Should the conference result in a net revenue when all expenses of the conference have been paid, travel grants will be offered. This cannot, however, be guaranteed at the present time.

We also welcome proposals for plenary lecture speakers. The proposal should include name of the speaker, contact information, tentative subject of the talk, as well as a short justification of the nomination.

Paweł Koteja

President of IACPB, Chair of the ICCPB 2015 Local Organizing Committee

Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krakow, Poland

e-mail:  phone: +48 126645209 fax: +48 126646912 

Secretary of the Local Organizing Committee:


Data opublikowania: 21.06.2014
Osoba publikująca: Gracja Witkowska

Sponsors & Exhibitors


Local Organizing Committee


Natalia Derus     


Paweł Koteja


Paulina Kramarz

Marek Konarzewski

Public relations

Marcin Czarnołęski

Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi

Edyta Sadowska


Marian Lewandowski

Meeting place

Elżbieta Jagłowska